Douglas Muir McFarlane

Douglas Muir was born at Strathalbyn in 1899 and eventually became a Grazier in Queensland. He married Edith Helen Weidenhofer in the Cloncurry Presbyterian Church.

Doug was sent to escort Edith to Durham Downs Station, Queensland from Tibooburra in the North West Corner of New South Wales, where she was to work as a Governess.

After spending some years in the outback, Edith returned home to Adelaide to organise her wedding with Doug. Unfortunately Doug was moved further north and therefore couldn't get to Adelaide for their wedding, so Edith packed up and joined him in Queensland.

They met in Cloncurry where they were married by the Australian Inland Mission Padre, Rev. Scott. They left Conclurry by train and reached Mt Isa, where, after having a meal and collecting the car, they drove on to Morestone Downs which was to be their home for several years. They were then moved on to Tanbar with the nearest town being Windorah (seventy miles away and almost a three hour drive.)

McFarlane Family Douglas and Edith had three children.

Douglas died in Queensland in 1958 and is buried at Narrabri, NSW. Edith celebrated her 100th bithday in 2003.

Edith wrote Land of Contrasts - Recollections, which is the story of her and Douglas's ventures.

It seems that the parents of both Doug and Edith had been friends when they were young.

The Muir name was handed down from their grandmother's surname.
